All the essentials, without superfluous bells and whistles

Find out how our data protection features can help you comply with legal requirements and protect personal data.


Our approach - steps towards data protection fulfilment


Create a basis

Metasoul records the most important key points of your company in an easy-to-understand way and uses them to generate a large part of the required records.


Complete the documentation

The automatically generated documentation is completed in the second step. Our task management system provides clear and comprehensible instructions.


Protect data

Metasoul helps you to identify suitable technical and organisational measures (TOMs) -> ‘Data protection’.


Create and manage contracts

Data protection regulations require countless agreements and contracts with customers and partners. We help to manage these contracts and will soon be able to generate them at the touch of a button.


Continuous review and improvement

Our task management system will regularly remind you to check the current status of various entries and also inform you if there are any changes on the legal side. So you are always on the right side.


Create a basis

Metasoul records the most important key points of your company in an easy-to-understand way and uses them to generate a large part of the required records.


Complete the documentation

The automatically generated documentation is completed in the second step. Our task management system provides clear and comprehensible instructions.


Protect data

Metasoul helps you to identify suitable technical and organizational measures (TOMs) -> “Data protection”.


Create and manage contracts

Data protection regulations require countless agreements and contracts with customers and partners. We help to manage these contracts and will soon be able to generate them at the touch of a button.


Continuous review and improvement

Our task management system will regularly remind you to check the current status of various entries and also inform you if there are any changes on the legal side. So you are always on the right side.

Test without obligation

Discover the many possibilities of our platform.

The most important aspects of the GDPR for you as an entrepreneur

The GDPR requirements range from documentation and contract design to information obligations. The penalties for non-compliance are high, and inspections and complaints are becoming increasingly frequent. What few people know: The management is also liable with its private assets if there is evidence of negligent neglect of GDPR obligations. With Metasoul, we help you to achieve the necessary due diligence to avoid penalties and other inconveniences related to data protection.

Protect data

Protecting data means not only defining and writing something down, but also putting what has been written into practice. This is described in the GDPR as the implementation of “appropriate” technical and organizational measures (also “TOMs”). However, what this “suitable” means is not always clear and requires a certain degree of specialist knowledge.

Prove and continuously review data protection

Where and why is personal data processed? Is personal data properly protected? Have suitable agreements been made with the partners involved? Did and affected persons receive sufficient information? All of these questions require answers and a wide range of documentation and agreements. The most important are the list of processing activities, the processor agreements, data protection guidelines or the list of “technical and organizational measures”.


Company profile

Although not particularly relevant from a data protection perspective at first glance, Metasoul gets to know the company via the company profile in order to generate data protection-relevant information.

Saves time

You can have Metasoul do a large part of the work for you with just a few details. This saves you valuable time in the company.

Easy to understand

With simple questions that you can answer with confidence, we generate complex data protection content that would normally require a specialist.


Task management

What could be better than knowing exactly what to do? Using the company profile and your individual input, Metasoul identifies gaps and breaks them down into simple steps so that you don’t feel left alone.


Service provider, app and cloud directory

Tools and service providers are important for increasing productivity in the company. In order not to forget their influence under data protection law, a directory of these tools and service providers is helpful and serves as a basis for further directories and agreements.


List of processing activities

The record of processing activities (RPA) is the central element from which almost all other necessary data protection activities are derived. The more accurate the VVT, the more precise and legally secure your data protection guidelines and your order processing agreements will be. In combination with the company profile and task management, you can hardly go wrong. You can manage your VVT to a high level of quality in a simple and easy-to-understand way – thanks to Metasoul!


Further functions

Technical & organizational measures (TOMs)

Based on your information in Metasoul, suitable protective measures are already suggested to you. In addition to an overview of implemented measures, the task management always keeps you up to date on open measures.

Order processing agreements (AVV)

Metasoul recognizes with whom you need agreements about the processing of personal data and explains how to reach these agreements. Soon you will be able to generate these AVVs at the touch of a button with Metasoul – we are already working hard on this function.

Available soon

Data protection guidelines

Cheaper than going to a lawyer, but much more accurate than the makeshift solution of the data protection generator widely available on the Internet. At the touch of a button, you receive the appropriate data protection guidelines for your use cases, which are automatically kept up to date.


Frequently asked questions

Find out why Metasoul is the perfect solution for your business.

How do I know what data protection measures I need to take?

The GDPR places various requirements on companies to ensure data protection. Metasoul helps you to identify the right measures and, where possible, supports you in implementing them.

Almost certainly, YES. As soon as you process personal data, you are affected by the GDPR. This applies if you employ staff, have customers or offer services in general – personal data can usually be found on every invoice to private customers.

The environment in which you operate as an entrepreneur is constantly changing. The business model is adapted, new service providers help with the provision of services, new tools find their way into the company. Data protection is therefore not a one-off matter, but must be continuously reviewed and adapted. Metasoul supports you with these recurring checks and reminds you when it is time to take another look at the data protection documentation and the required measures.

We created Metasoul as a solution for SMEs to make the burden of data protection (more) bearable. But to be honest: Metasoul also works in any other company.

Yes, Metasoul is bilingual. You can switch between English and German in the platform at any time. The language in which you write content is up to you.

Any further questions?

Contact us for more information.